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Monday, October 18, 2010

Cloth Diapers for Mamas in need!!!!

As most of you know, I am a Rn and have worked at Children's Hospital of Michigan for the past 9 yrs. I resigned in May to be a full time SAHM to all my little monkeys, but recently found a home care job. This job will be working with pregnant or recently delivered mamas! I will be doing lots of education on safety, diet, health, ect. I'm really excited and would love to spread my love for cloth diapers! Not only is it something I enjoy, but it is better for baby and the earth! if there are any stores or manufacturers out there that would be willing to donate some cloth diapers for my mama's...please let me know!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010



Alternative to PayPal????

Just heard about this. It is a brand new payment system still in the building stages. They will give you an early bird deposit of $50.00 and up to $20.00 a day for signing up before they launch. There are some super small survey to fill out, about 5 questions that is used as research to help build the company. They do not ask for any personal info at this time except for your email address. They have a time line set up for the launch as to when it will open for person to person payments, then small businesses and finally medium and large businesses. They also have plans to have a debit card linked to your account! Worth a try!!! You can check out all the details at

Friday, October 8, 2010

How do you encourage a creative, artistic spirit in your baby, toddler or young child?

Creative and artistic spirits are few and far between these days. Unfortunately, society pressures people to live a cookie cutter life where if you are "different" you will have to deal with torment and torture. I find this very sad, someone's creativity may bring important advances to our culture, but if they are not allowed to express themselves....we will never know.

I have six children, ages 1, 2, 9, 10, 10 & 14. I really feel that you must encourage a child to be an individual right from birth. At the infancy stage, it is more so the mama or daddy that must break away from the average. Refrain from comparing your baby. Dress you infant with a since of style that is becoming of them. Do research and make your own choice of which parenting techniques or products you want to use. I choose to breastfeed starting with the 14 y/o, and received so much criticism for that! I started cloth diapers with my second and everyone thought I was nuts! As my babies started rolling, crawling and interacting with their enviroment, we played with everything and anything. I let them lead the way. We've use hair brushes for phones, t-shirt for parachutes, blankets for forts. When they were old enough to hold crayons, I taped paper on the wall and let them color all day long on the paper and left it up for awhile to display their work. Finger painting was always a favorite with my kids! We made t-shirt with hand prints or potatoe stamps and also used window art stuff. At the toddler stage I always let them pick out clothes and help them learn how to dress themselves! We love to collect leaves and twigs and make trees or nest. It has alwAys been a tradition to make a Christmas ornament with the kids each year. On birthdays or holidays, I have them create cards with whatever they want. I keep a huge art box full of stickers and strings, paint, markers, paper glue, name it, its in

My kids that are in school are the ones I really stress about being yourself! My oldest is quite the artist. She draws such beautiful pictures. I'll ask her to draw me things all the time. She has a certain flair about her....her clothes, her purple streaks in her hair...but I love it! She brings home excellent grades and is a great daughter. I will got through her art work from school with her l the time. She loves when I buy her the cheap plain folders for school so she can decorate them herself. My 9 & one if the 10 y/o are more into reading and writing. We have a closet with shelves full of books. We make trips to the library, I read their short stories that they write. A couple of the books we put together in a folder to make if like a real book! My other 10 y/o is more of a fashion what can I do but take her shopping...teh he he. We pick out clothes together and accerorize! Then the babies....its all done through play and love. My 2 y/o loves trains. We have a ton of Thomas so we build huge tracks that go in every direction! I have the wonder markers for him and he draws masterpieces that get displayed. My 1 y/o is very texture oriented! There are times that I just put her in the highchair with only a diaper andet het play with mushy foods....pudding, hello, grapes..whatever I find. She will sit for awhile creating artwork on her tray!

I am a mama with high expectations of my kids.....I give them the tools for success and they decide how they want to use them! I have always marched to the beat of my own me different, weird, crazy, but I love being unique and I want each one of my children to be who they were meant to be, not what society says is acceptable to be.

This question was posed by BumGenius as part of their giveaway for the new artist series of BG 4.0
Go check it out!

BumGenius released new prints on the 4.0

If you are a BG fan you will be interested to know they have just released an artist print series. You can get out the new prints and enter a giveaway on their blog. My babies have been in BG 3.0 and loved them. I can't wIt to get my new 4.0 to try out!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I tried out SMARTI PANTS and now I am a Smarti Mama

The first time I ever used cloth diapers was when my 9 1/2 y/o was a baby. She broke out in a terrible rash from sposies so I thought I better do something to save my poor baby's behind! Even back then, it was a lot different then what our grandmas used....but boy has it come a whole lot further now!

Back in 2002 (hahaha that sounds so funny, like I'm writing with this wealth of knowledge) I ordered some DSQ (diaper service quality) CPF (chinese prefolds) and some bummis covers! No longer was the days of pins and plastic pants! All I had to do was fold a CPF into thirds, place it in a cover and velcro it around her tushie!

Now I have a 2 y/o and a 1 y/o and I love to CD (cloth diaper)! But in these "modern ages" it is so easy to CD and you have so so so many options. I will have to save all the options and lingo for another post...that will take forever!

For the past 2 years I've used pockets for the most part! A pocket is a diaper that has a PUL outer and some sort of inner that is safe to be against baby's bum, usually suede cloth or micro fleece. Then there is an opening that you "stuff" the diaper with. Many options to stuff with also. Anyways...My hubby and I were pretty partial to a specific diaper and I loved them. But, recently, one of my wonderful Diaper Swappers mamas told me about SMARTI PANTS. They have been in production for a little over a year now AND they are made right here in the USA!!! (WOOT WOOT) I ordered a "special edition" 3 pack of green apple and was so excited for them to come.

When my "fluff mail" (CD) arrived I immediately tried them on my babies. Now let me tell you an important piece of 2 y/o is a total chunky meat head~big all around with a bubba belly (similar to a mans beer belly) and my 1 y/o is long and slender with very tiny pixi like features! Smarti Pants are a ONE SIZE diaper that fits from 7 lbs-35 lbs (birth -potty training)and are similar to a pocket, but it is considered a "sleeve" diaper because the pocket you stuff is open on both ends which allows you to make sure the insert is in perfectly! I was very impressed that I was able to get a great fit on both babies! These diapers are snap closures, so no worries about pilling or washing machine snakes. There are 2 columns of snaps in the front to adjust the rise and the closures allow you to overlap snap for even the tiniest of waists! Each diaper comes with a MF (micro fiber) insert that was able to hold my super soaker son through his nap with no leaks! I also loved the bright color! Smarti Pants is doing a special edition 3 pack colors that started in August! The first release was Hot Chocolate for August and Green Apple for September! We Smarti Parents are so anxiously awaiting the release for OCTOBER!!! We are hoping it is a 3 color pack!

When I washed these, it was the simplest CD I have EVER washed! There is no need to pull out the insert (like every other pocket diaper)! All you do is unsnap the rise settings and toss it in the wash. The insert works itself out during the wash cycle and both the diapers and inserts came out nice and clean! I have a front loader and had no problems! I prefer to dry my inserts in the dryer, but line dry my diapers! They dried very quickly!

I have to give Smarti Pants an overall style, performance, ease of use, quality, value and fit! I'm so glad I was encouraged to try this diaper! You can not beat the price or quality of this diaper! All my mamas out there....give CDs a try and be sure to try Smarti Pants!!! I would love to be able to encourage all the teenage moms, moms out of work, single moms, every mom to use cloth diapers. I really wish I could donate some diaper stashes to mamas in need to help them out, spread the word of CDs and save some waste that is destroying our Earth!

Stop by to check out their complete line!

Keeley 1 & Landon 2 September 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I told you before....I love giveaway. Here's another chance to win am Ergo! Head over to and follow their five simple steps to be entered into the drawing! Good luck everyone!

Monday, October 4, 2010


I Love to babywear, I've gone through a ton of different types. My fav so far are Babyhawk, BUT I really really want to try an Ergo! Go check out Life with the Stevens and tell them I sent you. PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT ON MY BLOG THAT YOU BECAME A FAN! We both will be entered to win!

Friday, September 10, 2010


Hey Mamas (or friends of Mamas),

Enter here
for a chance to win some great Cloth Diapers from DIAPER JUNCTION!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The  MAM twister!
I was able to participate in a test group for a new teether by MAM. It is called Twister. It is very unique and offers multi-sensory areas for your little one to teeth on or play with. Each part attached to the white base can twist and turn. My daughter did like it and played with it when I interacted with her using it. I did find that it would be a bit bulky for a younger/smaller baby. It was very easy to clean and even captured the attention of my 19 month old son. Colors are gender friendly  and it can easily attach to your carseat or bouncy seat with some links! Overall I liked the product and would buy for my children or as a gift.

Far and Few

Ok, Ok...It has been a long time since I added a new post, but there has been a lot going on. I want to let everyone know about
go there and sign your kids up for 2 free games of bowling everyday until August 31, 2010. This does not include shoe rental. There are also a limited number of Adult passes available for less then $25.00 you can sign two adults up for 2 games everyday until August 31, 2010. Once again, shoe rental not included! This makes for a cheap fun day, so go check it out and take advantage of this deal!

Monday, May 3, 2010


I recently stumbled upon a fabulous brick & mortar store in Ann Arbor, MI. Elephant Ears in located at 407 N. Fifth Ave. located in the Kerrytown Market. I am so excited to have found this store as they carry all the products that I want, need or desire for my kids. They just recently moved into a very large space inside the Kerrytown Market and sport 2 levels of high end, top quality products. Elephant Ears carry baby gear, furniture, clothing, accessories.... you name it they got it from baby to childhood! The owners, Matt and Jenna are amazing and pride themselves on having products that are either organic, natural fiber, and sustainable products! In a time that the internet is such a popular way to buy products, its nice to walk into a store and see the items that you are interested in and test them out. I had an opportunity to walk through their new space and was impressed with what I saw. Matt has a plan to allow moms to come in and try out the strollers through the streets of Ann Arbor. How nice would it be to make sure a stroller will fit in your trunk, its easy to fold, lift and maneuver before you buy it? This is not your local BabiesRUs! They have the best selection of strollers, carseats, cribs, shoes, clothing, diaper bags, baby carriers, feeding essentials, toys. I purchased a BUMBLERIDE TWIN INDIE, SNACK PACK and a KLEAN KANTEEN on my second visit. They have very knowledgeable staff and excellent customer service. They put my Twin Indie together for me in less then 15 minutes. This store is about a 45 minute drive for me, but worth every minute. You can also checkout their website at  BUT you will have a far better experience and see a greater selection of products if you go visit them in person! If you are expecting a baby, have a child, or need to buy a gift ~ you will find what you need at Elephant Ears! So go check them out and tell them that MYKAL YORK sent you!

Friday, March 19, 2010


I will be posting some reviews over the next couple of months! I have found a great store, Elephant Ears, in Ann Arbor and I was also selected by MAM to be a product tester!!! I am so excited to do this. I will have pictures to post and will have some promo codes for  Elephant Ears! Check Back for updates!               

Monday, March 15, 2010


after chosing rent with promo code on screen

$20.00 off all carseats $100.00 or more until March 25, 2010 

20% off purchase in March 2010

Passing along deals that came through my email this week! Enjoy the savings!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Preperation for the Week is on!

     Sunday is always a hectic day for me. My husband just gets done working 3 - 12 hr midnight shifts, kids are coming and going from sleepovers and what not, and its time to make sure we have everything together to get us through the week (or at least Laundry is gets washed, dishwasher is running, kids pack their lunches and are in the room "sleeping" by 9:00 (they think we don't know they are up talking, reading, watching TV or whatever).They are usually up until 9:30 or 10:00 ~ except my 13 1/2 y/o, she is a night owl! I have no problem with them staying up a little bit, but they know they better not give me any problems getting up for school! I always get notice from one of the kids or my husband at about 9:30 or 10:00 that they need something for the morning or we are all out of something! Never fails, every week.... Today it is milk, so I must run to the store sometime before 6:00am.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I know this economy sucks, but really people?????

     Mom 2 Mom sale was pretty good. I made some extra $$ to contribute to my family (in reality this means to buy things I want  "NEED"!). I got there at about 8:00 this morning with my 9 y/o daughter (Jaden) and my 7 mo. old daughter (Keeley) in tow! Jaden helped me with the finishing touches and Keeley sat wide eye in her car seat watching the last minute chaos.

     The doors opened to the public at 8:30 and people started to dwindle in at first, then we got the early morning rush. I realize that the state of our economy is terrible and everyone is trying to do what they can to make or save a buck, but some people are just crazy!!! I have 6 kids, so needless to say, I have a lot of clothes, toys, shoes and everything in between. I really try to limit my kids clothes so my laundry mountain is not to overwhelming ~ reality is my kids have enough clothes to change outfits everyday for about a month without me doing laundry. With that being said, their clothes don't get much use or abuse because they have so much and ultimately end up throwing on their favorite clothes. Majority of their clothes come from Gymboree, Gap, Carters, Old Navy, Childrens Place, Justice, Aeropostale, Hollister, American Eagle, Hot Topic, PacSun ect ect ect... I always try to price my clothes at a decent price so that I can replace my kids clothes with new sizes.

     Just to give you an idea of my prices, here are some examples ~ jeans -$3.00. shirts- $2.00, shorts-$2.00, hoodies $5.00. I had people complain that these prices were too high and try to get me to accept anywhere from $0.50 - $1.00 for things like a Gymbo sweater or a brand new Aero hoodie with tags!!! REALLY! When I would politely say "no" to their offer they would get upset and some would make comments! I felt like posting a sign saying if you don't like my prices, please feel free to go to the mall to pay full price!!! None of the items had stains, holes, or signs of wear/tear! I need to replace the empty spaces on my 6 kids shelves in the family closet!

    Alright, rant over! I know it is just the sign of the economy... but I don't think I'm the only one with struggles and everyone else can afford to take a loss! I have no problem cutting a deal, especially if they are buying a lot! Oh well, I cleared out some space in my house and made a little money! Bonus~ both girls were very good! Glad its over = )


Friday, March 12, 2010

I Did It!!!

YAY ME! Who said a mama isn't a SUPER HERO... All set up for the mom2mom and know I am relaxin' with my 2 oldest girls. Now I just need to wake up early in the morning!!!

So Much To Do With 2 Cling-Ons...opps, I Mean My Babies

How the heck am I supposed to get everything done when Landon (21  mo.) is being a monkey on my back and Keeley (7 mo,) thinks that when the cord was cut she was reattached to me via my arms and boob! Yes I said boob! She is having complete meltdowns if I set her down or if I do not let her nurse 24/7. Im not stressed at them, just the situation. Landon likes to play with my hair and follow me around like my shadow and Keeley is teething, so she just needs mama to make her feel better. I love, love, love that they want to snuggle, but today is the day that I must, must, must get some things done! I have a mom2mom sale tomorrow and I have to set up tonight! I wish I could put them to work....not so sure they would understand the whole pricing system though! I finally got Landon to take a nap, but now here I am with my little cupcake in my arms "snursing" or sleep nusring or "neeping" - whatever way I say it, I'm still stuck here. I really want to sell lots of items so I can clear out my house. It looks like Geoffrey from ToysRUs puked repeatedly throughout my house! I think I've had neighborhood kids come over to play and never made it back out - I should probably go look through the mountain of dirty clothes in my girls bathroom just to make sure! Oh well, there is always later, as long as I'm ready and out the door tonight by 5:30ish! Looks like pycho mom, my alter ego, will be visiting in the next few
I need to...
> clean out my van and lower all the seats
>finish going though and pack up clothes and toys for sale
>get into the shed
>load up the van
>unload the van at the church
>set up my tables
I am tired and sore just thinking about it!!!

In the mean time, here I sit, both kids asleep and I am unable to move!!!
So much for Landon's nap....he is up...20 min. power nap~ great.

Thursday, March 11, 2010



at checkout to receive an exra 20% off sale merchandise

for 15% off entire order
*Family Circle Magazine*

For $10.00 off and FREE SHIPPING on orders over $49.00! FIRST TIME CUSTOMERS ONLY!!
This promotion is an ongoing referal code!

after selecting "rent with Promo Code" on screen
*thank you*

I will try to post random deals a couple times a week!!!

Here are a couple of ways to dress up your dinner!

We all love are veggies, right? Even our kids eat them without complaints, right? Well, not so much! I remember being a kid and gagging down green beans praying they wouldn't come projecting from my mouth! Gross I know, but that is how I felt about my green veggies as I child! I can honestly say that I did not develop a love for my greens until I was in my thirties....yes, yes, this is sad! So, here are a couple of things I use to encourage my kids to eat them as well.

you will need:
fresh broccoli
garlic powder and/or fresh garlic
Broccoli is so yummy, but I did not know this until I was pregnant with my 21 mo. old son. I craved broccoli and I have no idea why!?! My kids also now love broccoli, only if it is prepared as follows:
I steam my broccoli with water, buttter, and fresh garlic (can use garlic powder also). Be sure to steam just until the brocolli starts to get soft. If it is steamed too long, all the good nutrients are lost. I also spray butter and sprinkle some garlic powder on top of the broccoli as it steams.

you will need:
chicken bouillon cube or stock broth
garlic powder
corn starch
water (for cubes)
Chicken garlic sauce is great on top of chicken and/or your broccoli. I take chicken bouillon cubes and follow the directions on the bottle or you can use stock chicken broth. I prefer low sodium. Make enough for the size of your family and your intended purpose. I then add garlic powder and season to taste while it is at a slow boil - my family is big on garlic so we use a lot. Garlic has a ton of health benefits!!! After I have my desired taste,  I use corn starch to thicken it to make it more like a gravy consistency. I put about a heaping tablespoon of corn starch into a separate cup and add cold water while stiring it. This mixture should be a thinner liquid consistency. Add slowly (you may not use all the corn starch mixture) to your chicken broth with your flame/heat on low and stir, stir, stir. The sauce will start to thicken. BE CAREFULL not to just add all the corn starch, the sauce will slowly thicken with a little bit added! This is so good with chicken!

you will need:
peas ~ fresh OR small bag frozen OR 2 cans drained
tomato paste ~ 2 heaping T
4 scallions (green onions) chopped small
2 t for freshly chopped dill
1 heaping T of butter
2T of olive oil
2C water
salt and pepper

Last but not least for today is Grecian Peas. My husband and I love them and I never ate peas unless they were in a pot pie. I have prepared with canned peas and with fresh frozen kids did prefer the canned peas. I am going to try this again with fresh peas when my local farmers market opens up!
Start with a large skillet, melt your butter or heat your oil. You will need to dilute your tomato paste with the water and set aside. Add your scallions, cook until soft, but not brown. Next add your peas, dill and your tomato paste dilute. Bring to a rapid boil, stiring occasionally, salt and pepper to taste. Then turn down to a medium/low heat, cover and simmer until the liquid in absorbed. Takes about 30-45 minutes.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

So More on Baby Gear. . .

For any Mamas out there that have 2 kids close in age, I need your help and opinion. Today my hubby and I took our two youngest (21 mo. & 7 mo.) to the Ann Arbor Hands On Kids Museum (Ann Arbor, MI). We have been going there for years and have just as much, if not more, fun everytime we go. We parked in the structure a block down and unloaded our extremely heavy tandem double stroller. I am not going to reveal what kind it was right now because I intend on doing some research and trying a different kind and posting some very helpful reviews for mamas. This is definitely an "If I only knew now..." time. We put the babies into the stroller and headed down the elevator and down the street. Once I got moving, the stroller is not too hard to push or make gradual maneuvers, but once you come to a stop....well you have to start all over! Inside the museum was a whole new set of challenges. The elevators are not too small, but still it was hard for me to get my super long tandem into and especially out of. The first and second floor was not so bad to move it around, but when we hit the third and fourth floor, we could not move more then a foot or so from the elevator. Boy how I envied the moms with a little umbrella stroller just whipping around like no big deal. I realize that I need different strollers for different reason or occasions, and as far as a double stroller, there really is no small version to weave in and out with grace.

I knew within the first month of my daughter being born that this double stroller was not the one for me, but I keep trying to love it! My hubby already thinks my baby gear addiction is beyond help! Another problem is at the mall! I was always so certain that I would not want a side by side, but now I am very open to the idea. I can not turn my tandem around the clothes racks inside the stores. I bump into everything, often knocking things over. I wonder what people around me think, "boy that lady probably has to drink just to keep her sanity", when all 6 kids are with me! Or, "Look at that lady with the 2 babies, I hear prescription drug addiction is a real problem these days".  Ok, all jokes aside, I would like to find a double stroller that is maybe not so heavy, must be able to turn on a dime, fit through doorways, both seats recline, can be used with one infant carseat, easy to fold/unfold, and it must look cool ofcourse! Tell me what double stroller you have and what you like best and what you dislike the most about it!
Also if you live in the area or ever visit the Metro Detroit area, please go and visit the Kids Museum in Ann Arbor! Fun for all ages!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How much gear do you have

Having two babies back to back, I have ended up with a lot of gear. Before my 21mo. old son was born my "baby" was 7 y/o! So, needless to say, my husband and I started all over ~ with babies and gear. Then when my son was only 5 mo. old, I found out that I was pregnant again! At about 18 weeks I found out it was a girl. So our baby boy blue items were sold and pink was flooding in! In the past almost 2 years I have gone through lots of gear in somes areas, but was able to reuse in others. My travel system is the Graco Quattro Tour Deluxe Travel System Stroller in DECO. This was gender friendly, so I kept this for my baby girl.I have the matching playpen that is used more as a catch all for baby items. I also kept my swing and highchair.  I sold my rainforest bouncy and got a pink boppy bouncy seat. I sold lots of clothes with dinos, trucks and prirates for pink, flowers and butterflies! I have had a total of 5, soon to be 6, types of baby carriers, I currently have 6 strollers ~ which I am not totally happy with any of them, 6 diaper bags, 3 different styles of bottles, 2 styles of the "baby sitter" seats, 2 different exersaucers, 3 monitors, list goes on and on... At some point I would like to start reviewing products and would like for you to comment on them with your ideas, experience or questions. For now tell me about all your baby gears...lets compare!

When Did You Realize You Were OLD?!?!?

 I never really felt old until recently. In my head I had always seen myself as I was in my late teens or early twenty-something. When I started my job as a RN I was one of the younger nurses. I wear current styles of clothes and hair and still play pranks and act just as silly as my kids at times. I can remember when my oldest daughter, now 13 1/2 y/o, was younger and I would help pick out her clothes or show her fun stuff to do on the computer. I thought I was the "cool mom"! Well now, with 5 additional kids in tow, it has just dawned on me that the reflection in the mirror does not match the image in my head. I have to go ask my daughter what is "instyle" now. I ask for her opinion on clothes, hair and makeup. She shows me how to do things on the computer now! I'm the senior staff at work... The "you're so old" kind of joke smacked me in the face a couple of weeks ago when I found 2 strands of grey hair on my head. What happened to me? Even the image in my head has aged since the discovery of grey hair. When did I turn into this "Mother" image that is now residing in my head and where did the cool young mom go? If anyone finds her, please tell her I miss her and would love to have her back living in my head ~ rent free! My oldest daughter looks like she could be a lilttle sister to me and my 2 youngest babies look like they could be my! In the mean about when you realized that you are old now. I need some old age comic relief!